Friday, September 6

Star Quality!

11 am – 12 pm

Yoga and Meditation with The Office of Health & Wellness 
Location: Main Gallery 

Want to start you Friday off on a note of rest & relaxation? Grab a spot at yoga and meditation sponsored by The Office of Health & Wellness. Take a few relaxing breaths and meet up with our campus counselors, health advocates, and the institute nurse to learn about how Health & Wellness can support you throughout the year!


1 pm - 2 pm

Student Leadership Panel
Location: Steve's Cafe 

Wanna know what your student union can do for you? What interested an RA to become an RA? What is an annex party and how do you get invited? Most importantly, where is Walt Disney’s head? These students know all the trade secrets. Come ask your questions!


2 pm - 4 pm

Campus Life Checkpoint
Location: L-Shape Gallery

Interested in joining a club?  Excited to learn more about Halloween and our other major events? Stop by the Campus Life Checkpoint! Connect with students who organize club activities or learn more about the recreational equipment that you can check out from Campus Life. 


4 pm - 6 pm

Student Union's Orientation Event
Location: Soccer Field & Basketball Courts

Get in frame with the Student Union! Capture the essence of college life through games, activities, and connecting with your student union rep. 


6 pm - 7 pm

International Students Mixer
Location: G201/202


8 pm - 11pm 

OL Shenanigans: Friday Edition
Location: Main Gallery 

Step into the spotlight with OL Shenanigans: Friday Edition! Experience an afternoon of lively games, creative activities, and a chance to meet fellow students.

9 pm - 10 pm

OL Shenanigans: CalArts Haunted Tales 
Locations: Start at the Entrance of the Herb Albert School of Music

Is there really a ghost in the Lund? Where is Walt Disney’s head? What happened in the sublevel in 1987? Excuse me but there’s a bunker in Fire Valley? Discover all the haunted tales of CalArts and hang out with your OLs!