CalArts offers on-campus housing in two separate buildings right next door to the Main Building: Chouinard and Ahmanson Halls.
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Chouinard Hall houses undergraduate students in double and triple rooms (and single rooms when approved through the Disability Office only,) and Ahmanson Hall has suites for third- and fourth-year undergraduate and graduate students. All registered students are eligible to apply for housing; we will accommodate as many students who need housing as possible.
As part of the housing application process, we ask students to complete a Resident Information Form. The more information you provide in the form, the better equipped we will be to assign you a roommate who will complement you and your lifestyle. Please answer honestly and include any information that you think will be helpful. Roommate assignments are sent out the first week of August.
Students can request gender-inclusive housing in both Chouinard and Ahmanson. Gender-inclusive housing allows for an environment in which student housing is not restricted by the gender binary. Students interested in learning more about gender-inclusive housing should contact the Residence Life Office.