How to Post a Job as an Employer
Before you post, please review our Employer Guide & Sample Job Description.
Prepare the following: main contact name, title, valid business email address, phone number, address, company logo, website, job title, position description.
A successful job description includes:
- Job Title
- Company Description/About Us
- Qualifications
- Time commitment (total number of hours)
- Salary/Compensation
- Application process/ hiring documents requested
- Job duties
- Benefits
Need help writing a job description? Contact us at
Now that you are ready to post, follow these steps:
- From your web browser visit Compass @CalArts
- New Users: Click ‘sign up’ or ‘sign up and post jobs’ Existing Users: enter username and password
- Once logged in click 'create job posting’.
- Fill in the requested information such as company, job title, job description and contact info.
- Click "submit"