This email was sent to School of Film/Video students regarding the Technology Access Program that launches a new relationship between artists and technology.
Dear School of Film/Video Students,
To aid students with safe filmmaking practices and remote/hybrid education during the COVID-19 pandemic, the School of Film/Video has launched a new Technology Access Program. During the 2020-21 academic year, this program will loan computing kits with software at no additional cost to students who need it. There are eligibility requirements and a refundable deposit will be required for a computing kit.
The equipment loaned through the Technology Access Program are in addition to the usual School of Film/Video equipment and facilities.
There are 3 ways to engage in the Technology Access Program: computing kits, technology reimbursement grants, and software access. Please read the details of the program in the attached PDF. A link to apply for the program is in that document. Questions can be directed to
Application and deposit deadline for computing kits is August 5th, 2020.
Nathan & Abigail
Abigail Severance, Interim Dean
Nathan Crow, Director of Technology
Technology Access Program.pdf