This email was sent to CalArts staff and faculty about health and safety guidelines and procedures that must be followed on campus.
Dear Colleagues:
As the end of summer slowly approaches, I hope this message finds you healthy and safe. I, like many of you, have begun to turn my thoughts to the approaching fall semester and contemplating what that will look like for us. There are important guidelines we must follow.
On Friday, August 7, Governor Newsom’s office released the long-awaited guidelines for higher education institutions. Importantly, we have been advised that the institute cannot yet reopen and only essential staff should report to work on campus. Essential workers are defined as employees responsible for campus safety, and the physical/critical administrative daily operations of the Institute. Please note: student workers may not be classified as essential workers and can not work on campus.
As the COVID-19 Response Implementation Team (“CRIT”) reviews/analyzes the guidelines and implements the appropriate safety measures, I want to remind all of us of the basic guidelines we must follow on campus. We Must…
Be proactive. Reduce the number and length of in-person interactions that students, faculty and staff have with one another by practicing physical distancing (staying at least 6 feet apart) to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
Wear a mask or face covering. All students, faculty and staff must cover their nose and mouth while accessing and working on campus.
Practice good hygiene. Important public health prevention messages include:
- Stay home when you are sick. Anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 must stay in isolation for a minimum of 10 days plus at least 3 days after the resolution of fever (without fever-reducing medication) and improvement in other symptoms.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Sing the “Happy Birthday” song to help know when it has been 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol (do not use sanitizers that contain Methanol).
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and then dispose of the tissue and clean your hands immediately. If you do not have a tissue, use your sleeve, not your hands, to cover your coughs and sneezes.
- Limit close contact with people who are sick. Avoid sharing food, drinks, or utensils.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Use a regular household cleaning spray or wipes to clean objects/surfaces you touch.
Travel Policy
- CalArts updated its Travel Policy dated July 20, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 virus. We are all required to follow these guidelines until further notice. Any staff or faculty member who has travelled internationally or domestically (outside of California) will be required to self-quarantine for fourteen (14) days (or longer if symptomatic).
Important Travel Reminders:
- All nonessential Institute-related travel is suspended until further notice;
- All CalArts employees planning to travel outside of California, both domestic or international, must complete the CalArts Travel Form prior to traveling. The Institute cannot prevent personal travel. However, we are requiring all staff and faculty to self-quarantine for 14-days upon return from their travels;
- Staff and faculty who need to travel for personal reasons are urged to review the State Department’s Travel Notices and CDC Travel Health notices prior to the start of their travel plans and consider the risks of traveling to other states/countries as the COVID-19 virus infection rates continue to rise.
Access to Campus Reminders:
- The campus is closed to all but essential employees. To retrieve items from campus, please contact campus security to make an appointment.
- All employees will need a current CalArts ID in order to access the campus. (see example below). If you do not have a current CalArts ID, please schedule an appointment with the campus safety office to come on campus to update your ID.
- ID cards must be worn and visible at all times. Campus Safety has lanyards and ID holders available for employees.
Associate Vice President
Chief Human Resources Officer