School of Theater Update from Dean Travis Preston

A School of Theater update from Dean Travis Preston

Dear School of Theater Community,

I am sending you this update on our Fall 2020 plans as a follow up to the email from the President. To preserve the health and safety of our community, all fall undergraduate and graduate courses will now be conducted online. We will also continue to endeavor to use campus facilities and make campus resources available to students for art-making as is safe and as we are permitted.  

I am sure you have a number of questions with respect to the year ahead. We will be holding a series of student cohort meetings (BFA/MFA/program specific) next week with the Deans and Program Directors, and will be sending those meeting invites out soon.

While disappointed to not be together physically, we understand the reality of the situation in light of the global pandemic. More, we now have clarity to move forward with creativity and confidence. 

Again, we are committed to upholding the singular CalArts educational experience. We believe this is an opportunity to reimagine and reinvigorate our curriculum while adapting to any physical limitations with creativity and artistic rigor. Through the semester ahead, we will augment the inherent breadth of our theatrical pedagogy and practice with a more focused depth of engagement.

Know that we are here for you as always. And we look forward to an exciting, transformative year!

All best,
Dean, CalArts School of Theater