Susan Schwartzenberg

Susan Schwartzenberg

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For the second iteration of this series, Susan Schawartzenberg, a visual artist, photographer, and curator will present, People in time and place – Reflections on Public History, a selection of works concentrating on the ways people are shaped by memory, history and place. Her work engages the public dialogue through themes of memory, history and the psychology of place. Projects presented will include, the Rosie the Riveter Memorial/Honoring Women’s Labor during World War II, Philosopher’s Way, Becoming Citizen’s: Family Life and the Politics of Disability among other works. The talk will also reflect upon 30 years of artistic practice and how ideas get realized and evolve over time

Susan has an extensive career investigating the ways stories of people and places find form within the surrounding landscape and environmental conditions. She works in multiple mediums creating public works in the US and has exhibited her work internationally. Currently she is the Director of the Fisher Bay Observatory, Exploratorium, San Francisco and is a Loeb Fellow for Advanced Environmental Studies, Harvard University. She has taught at the San Francisco Art Institute, California College of the Arts and Stanford University.