School of Theater Visiting Artist: Erica Gies

School of Theater Visiting Artist: Erica Gies

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Off Campus

Online (Zoom)

Part of the School of Theater class "Creating Ecolibrium".

Erica Gies is an award-winning independent journalist who writes about water, climate change, plants, and critters for Scientific American, The New York Times, Nature, The Atlantic, The Guardian, National Geographic, The Economist, The Washington Post, bioGraphic, Wired, and more.

Her stories hail from North America, especially California and British Columbia, and the wider world. In a quest for commonalities that bind us and innovations that inspire, she has reported from many intriguing places: Iraq, Peru, Cambodia, India, Syria, Kenya, China, Qatar, Laos, the United Kingdom, Guyana, Vietnam, France, and Indigenous nations and territories, including those belonging to Navajo (Diné), Kwiakah, Makushi, Kitasoo/Xai’xai, ‘Namgis, Heiltsuk, and Native Hawaiian peoples.

Her new book Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge, is about what she calls “Slow Water” innovations that are helping us adapt to the increasing floods and droughts brought by climate change. It was published in May 2022