Mariah Garnett: 'Trouble'

Mariah Garnett: 'Trouble'

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Guggenheim Fellow Mariah Garnett introduces her experimental debut feature, Trouble (83 min), after its well-received screenings at the New York Film Festival, the BFI London Film Festival and CPH:DOX. Garnett creates a multilayered filmic texture that mirrors the fractured lens of history, pointing to the impossibility of “documentary truth.” Trouble delves further (with discreet poignancy) into the aesthetics of creative reconstruction and cross-gender impersonation explored in her earlier shorts. In Vienna, at age 27, she meets David, the father she had not seen since she was two. Born in Belfast, David had to leave Ireland after a BBC program exposed his interfaith romance with a Catholic girl. Shooting in Belfast, Garnett inhabits the traces of a lost history with a queer presence. In person via Zoom: Mariah Garnett