Latvian Vocal Ensemble

Latvian Vocal Ensemble

Event DateEvent Date

See individual times in event details.

Event LocationLocation

CalArts Campus

10-11:50 - Wild Beast

2-3:50pm - G201

School of Music Visiting Artist

Monday, October 7, 2019 – Experimental Voice Workshop Masterclass, 10-11:50am, Wild Beast

Monday, October 7, 2019 – VoiceArts Forum Lecture, 2-3:50pm, G201 Open to the Institute


Featuring author and Professor Dr. Guntis Smidchens from the University of Washington and the internationally acclaimed a cappella group Latvian Voices.

Latvian Voices is a professional a cappella group from Latvia. With their voices as the only musical instrument Latvian Voices have developed a unique individual vocal style, in which intonations from ethnic music of many nations intertwine. Since the founding of the group in year 2009 Latvian Voices have participated in many international music festivals, competitions, workshops and given concert tours across Europe and worldwide.