J.P. Caron - Capital, Norms, Patterns

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CalArts Campus

Recent forms of Analytic Marxism have tried to bridge the Marxian framework of analysis of Capital, and specifically, abstract domination, with the resources one may find in the so-called Pittsburgh School of Philosophy (Sellars, Brandom, McDowell). Two of the recent attempts, one by Justin Evans- "Capitalism as a space of reasons- Analytic, Neo-Hegelian Marxism", and one by Jacob McNulty "Frankfurt School Critical Theory as Transcendental Philosophy: Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s Synthesis of Kant and Marx", try to bridge the issue of abstract domination by appealing to the categories of norms- be they positive norms (as in McNulty) or as a constraint upon rational norms (as in Evans). In this presentation we shall build upon one section of our paper "Real Abstraction and the Given" whereby we tried to offer a third possibility in the concept of pattern-governed behavior. First we shall revisit the basic categories proposed by philosophers of the Pittsburgh School for understanding the general problem of rule-following. Next, we shall revisit in more detail the framework offered by Brazilian philosopher José Arthur Giannotti concerning operational schemes as a way into the constitution of abstract diagrams of action by Capital. If the first part of the presentation would enable us to classify and understand different kinds of rule-following; the second would enable us to understand the immanent constitution of real abstractions by Capital. The wager is that the mediation between the two halves will furnish us with a more thorough understanding of the ways the social synthesis is operated in its multi-layered complexity.

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