Francisco Reyes Yorick: 'La Historia de Hamlet'

Francisco Reyes Yorick: 'La Historia de Hamlet'

Event DateEvent Date

See individual times in event details.

Event LocationLocation

Off Campus

Friday, Feb. 12, 5 pm
Saturday, Feb. 13, 3 pm
Sunday, Feb. 14, 3 pm

In Spanish with English subtitles

Yorick, the story of Hamlet is an adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, structured according to Hamlet's main soliloquies and narrated by Yorick, a character who in the original is represented by the iconic skull of the late court jester. It is a one-person show, whose video version also includes characters played by plasticine puppets. 

A live theater version designed to be performed outdoors was created in 2014. The work was solely performed in small Chilean towns lacking cultural infrastructure and played in ruins of buildings that had cultural significance in the history of the towns. The current video version features the actor who plays Yorick, the captivating Francisco Reyes, who also animates the plasticine characters. It is an intimate spectacle, which cleverly uses a storytelling format to tell the story in an atmosphere illuminated only by the light of a candle.

Q&A after each performance