Christine Wertheim - What’s number got to do with it? : Cantor, Gödel, Turing and Lacan’s forms of Sexuation

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CalArts Campus

How Lacan’s encounter with modern number theory through the work of Cantor and Gödel, and its consequences for the development of computing in the work of Alan Turing, helped transform his thinking about ‘gender,’ or sexuation. And how we might think past the phallogocentrism that still lies at the heart of this brilliant and pro-feminine re-conceptualization.

Christine Wertheim is a writer and artist, whose books include three poetic suites The Book of Me, mUtter-bAbel, and +|’me’S-pace. These fuse graphics and text to explore the potentialities of the English tongue, and relationships between infantile rage and global violence. Her critical writing has appeared widely, including in the recent anthologies Cold War Cold World, and Construction Sites for Possible Worlds. With her sister Margaret, she is co-creator of the Crochet Coral Reef, an art-science project shown internationally, including at the 2019 Venice Biennale. From 1993-2000 she taught in the Art Department of Goldsmiths College, London, and from 2001-2021 in the School of Critical Studies at the California Institute of the Arts. Current research focuses on the intersections of psychoanalysis and feminism-s.

Reading: We will be reading Enjoying Substance Between Anatomy and Language by Samo Tomšič.