Millie Wilson

Pronouns: School of Art

Faculty Emeritus

Millie Wilson Headshot
Office address:
California Institute of the Arts
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, California 91355

Millie Wilson is an artist whose work has been exhibited in the U.S. and abroad, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, London, Rome, Olso, Oporto, and Melbourne. 

Her work is in numerous public and private collections, including those of the the UCLA Hammer Museum, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Orange County Museum of Art, The Henry Art Gallery (Seattle),The Disney Corporation, Eileen Harris Norton and Peter Norton. S

he has received numerous grants, including an NEA Visual Artists Fellowship, a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Fellowship, City of Los Angeles Artist Grant, California Arts Council Fellowship, Art Matters, Inc.Grant, and a LACE Artists Projects Grant, has been published in a variety of contexts, and has taught and lectured throughout the U.S. and Europe. 

She joined the faculty of the Program in Art at the California Institute of the Arts in 1985 and retired December 31, 2014.