Kathryn Pisaro

Pronouns: The Herb Alpert School of Music

Faculty, Shared Curriculum

Kathryn Pisaros Headshot
Email address: kpisaro@calarts.edu
Phone number: 661-253-7816
Office address:
California Institute of the Arts
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, California 91355
  • PhD
    Musicology, Northwestern University

Kathryn Gleasman Pisaro, is active as an oboist and a music historian. As a music historian, she received her Masters and PhD degrees in musicology at Northwestern University, with a dissertation on experimental music in Britain in the 1960s.  She regularly presents papers at national and international conferences and has written entries for such prestigious publications as the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians and New Dictionary of the History of Ideas

 As an oboist, she has performed with hundreds of artists and ensembles, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Fresno Philharmonic, Andrea Bocelli, the Moody Blues, Ray Charles, and Garth Brooks. She has played in dozens of touring Broadway productions, including Phantom of the Opera and Miss Saigon. 

 She has made recordings of solo contemporary music for oboe, recorded with jazz ensembles in Chicago and LA, and is on the album Pomegranate and Great White Light with the rock band Poi Dog Pondering. She has toured Europe six times as a new music soloist. She has played concertos with orchestras throughout the United States and Europe.  She is currently on the faculty at California Institute of the Arts and California State University, Northridge.