Jonathan Stehney

Pronouns: The Herb Alpert School of Music

Faculty, Instrumental Arts, Bassoon

Jonathan Stehney Headshot
Email address:
Phone number: 661-253-7816
Office address:
California Institute of the Arts
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, California 91355
  • PhD
    Stony Brook University, New York
  • MMus
    San Francisco Conservatory of Music
  • BFA
    California Institute of the Arts

Stehneys’ expertise ranges from performing Baroque music on period instruments to performing the most challenging contemporary and experimental music. He has traveled widely performing new works for bassoon and contrabassoon.

 Jonathan has worked with such notable composers as Sofia Gubaidulina, Pierre Boulez, Péter Eötvös, Olga Neuwirth, James Tenney, Mark Menzies, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and others. He has studied with Pascal Gallois, Paul Riveaux, and the Ensemble Intercontemporain. 

Dr. Stehney received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Bassoon Performance from CalArts, his Master of Music and Performance Certificate from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from SUNY Stonybrook. 

He is currently a freelance musician in the greater Southern California region, performing with numerous orchestras, including the Long Beach Symphony, Redlands Symphony, assorted chamber ensembles, and in recording studios, as well as doubling in pit orchestras, and as an arranger for concert and theater works.