Caryn Aono

Pronouns: School of Art

Faculty, Graphic Design

Caryn Aono Headshot
Email address:
Phone number: 661-554-0716
Office address:
California Institute of the Arts
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, California 91355
  • MFA
    Cranbrook Academy of Art

Caryn Aono is a practicing Los Angeles graphic designer. She has worked in brand development and identity for Johnson & Johnson, Ogilvy, Motorola, Wieden & Kennedy, ReVerb and various studios and agencies. 

She has collaborated on works in the cultural sector for LACMA, the Japanese American National Museum, MOCA, and Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. 

Her work has been recognized by AIGA, ACD, and the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education and is in the permanent collection at SFMOMA. Her work has appeared in ”Clean New World: Culture, Politics, and Graphic Design”; “The Graphic Edge”; ID; Design Review and various publications. 

A former art director in the CalArts Public Affairs Office she has taught in the graphic design program since 1989. She received her MFA in graphic design from Cranbrook Academy of Art.