CalArts students are given an opportunity to seek an internal resolution of conflicts and complaints. This procedure may also be used by students who believe that they have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex or any other classification or characteristic protected by law, and is designed to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Complaints dealing with sexual and other forms of unlawful harassment are addressed under Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy. Students who seek to grieve the imposition of disciplinary sanctions are directed to review the Disciplinary Policy.

Students who seek to grieve matters pertaining to academic warning, probation, suspension, and/or dismissal are directed to Metier Standing and Academic Standing policies.

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee handles grievances concerning financial aid.

Any student who believes that a practice, policy, or rule has been applied incorrectly as it relates to the student, or that he or she has been unlawfully discriminated against, is encouraged to informally discuss the problem with the Vice President for Student Experience. If the student is not able to satisfactorily resolve the problem informally, the student may initiate a formal grievance by submitting a signed grievance statement to the Vice President for Student Experience.

The grievance statement must describe the nature of the grievance; the practice, policy, rule or law that the student claims has been violated; and the remedy or relief requested. The Vice President for Student Experience or designee shall investigate the grievance and provide a written response within ten days of receipt of the grievance unless additional time is required to complete the investigation. If not satisfied with the response to the grievance, the student may, within ten days of the date of the response, file a written request for review with the Vice President for Student Experience. As soon thereafter as practical, an Appeals Committee shall be formed consisting of three current members from the faculty, staff, or student body. One member of the Committee shall be appointed by the student, one member by the Associate Provost or designee, and one member by the Vice President for Student Experience. Together these members of the Committee shall decide who from among them shall serve as chairperson. No person shall participate as a member of the Appeals Committee who has been involved in the event(s) upon which the grievance is based or who is biased.

The Director of Human Resources or designee shall provide administrative services to the Appeals Committee, including but not limited to supplying copies of pertinent documents, scheduling meetings, arranging for a scribe to take and prepare minutes, and the preparation of the final report. A student may be assisted at any stage of this procedure by a current member of the CalArts community (i.e., staff member, faculty member, or student) who is not an attorney, but such person may not address the Appeals Committee unless requested by it to do so.

Within ten days of the date the Appeals Committee is formed or as soon thereafter as practical, the Appeals Committee shall meet in closed session to consider the grievance. The members of the Appeals Committee shall respect the confidentiality of the proceedings. The student shall be provided with an opportunity to meet with the Appeals Committee, but shall otherwise be present at a meeting of the Appeals Committee only at the request or with the permission of the Appeals Committee. As it deems appropriate, the Appeals Committee shall interview other persons and shall consider written materials and other items pertinent to the grievance.

At the completion of its review, the Appeals Committee shall prepare a written advisory report consisting of findings, conclusions, and recommendations and submit it to the Provost with copies to the student and the Vice President for Student Experience. Under separate cover, the Appeals Committee shall also forward to the Provost copies of any written material or items that it considered in connection with the appeal process.

The Provost or their designee shall consider the report and, at their discretion, take whatever action they deem appropriate. Prior to taking such action, the Provost or designee may discuss the report with the members of the Appeals Committee, the student or any other person. The Provost or designee shall transmit their decision in writing to the student, Vice President for Student Experience and members of the Appeals Committee. The decision of the Provost shall be final.

Title IX Coordinators

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual exploitation. CalArts’ Title IX Coordinator is Eva Graham, Institute Diversity Officer, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator is Jennie Watson, Senior Human Resources Officer (661-253-2637,, Room A210). The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator are available to receive reports of sex discrimination at CalArts, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation, to discuss questions or concerns relating to the investigation of complaints received, reporting and complaint procedures, and education and training opportunities across campus. Information concerning Title IX can also be obtained from the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education (415-486-5555,, 50 Beale Street, Suite 7200, San Francisco, CA 94105-1813).

Complaint Procedure

An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at 1747 N. Market Street, Suite225, Sacramento, CA 95834,, Tel: 916.574.8900, Fax: 916.263.1897.

An individual who wishes to make a complaint relating to the accreditation requirements shall be referred to the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

Below are the Complaint Process and Complaint Form.