A. Safety Policy

The greatest asset to California Institute of the Arts is our students, faculty and staff. We hold in high regard the safety, welfare and health of all our people. It is the policy of California Institute of the Arts to make every reasonable effort to protect our people. This will be in the interest of accident/injury prevention, fire protection, and health preservation. CalArts will endeavor to maintain a safe and healthful work environment. Including providing safe working equipment/conditions and train employees in safe work practices, provide necessary personal protective equipment, and in the case of an injury, make available first aid and medical services. It is our belief that accidents which injure people, damage equipment and destroy materials can cause needless personal suffering, inconvenience and expense. We believe that all accidents can be prevented by exercising common sense precautions. All of us must do our part to formalize our safety program. This will be done through written reports and records, adherence to operating practices and procedures designed to prevent injury and illness, and a healthy attitude towards safety. Only then can an improved safety record be achieved and maintained. The full support of all employees is essential to the effectiveness of this program and the control of work related injuries.


B. Safety and Disaster Preparedness Committee

The Safety and Disaster Preparedness Committee consists of: Vice President for Administration - Chair Associate Provost Director of Facilities Management Safety Coordinator Director of Human Resources Representative (faculty or staff) from each shop or lab (appointed by the Dean) Costume Shop Graphics Lab Photo Lab Super Shop Wonder Shop Representative (faculty or staff) from Design and Production (appointed by the Dean) Representatives from Dance, Film/Video and Music Schools (appointed by the Dean) Dean of Students Director of Housing Director of Health Services Director of Food Services One student representative (appointed by Student Council)

C. Responsibilities of Institute Safety and Disaster Preparedness Committee

The Safety and Disaster Preparedness Committee will meet monthly during the academic year and on call during the summer months. The Committee’s responsibilities will include but not be limited to:

  • Discussion of safety policies and recommendation of these policies to the appropriate group or person.
  • The review of and discussion of unsafe conditions and practices to determine remedies. This includes the review of all “Hazard Report” forms submitted by employees and may include the inspection and/or investigation of the reported hazard.
  • Learning the proper safety procedures and practices.
  • Ensure that approved safety recommendations are being put into practice.
  • Review of all accident reports and the prevention recommendations resulting from the accident reports.
  • Review all reports of safety inspections.
  • An annual review of the Institute’s “Injury Prevention Program” and “Code of Safe Practices.”
  • Review of safety training schedule and topics both for supervisors and employees.
  • Annually, prepare a memorandum on safety to be sent to staff and faculty.
  • Devise programs to encourage safe working conditions and practices by promoting safety and by recognizing employees for their actions to promote safety and safer working conditions.
  • Determine that the Institute is prepared for a disaster.

D. Responsibilities of Schools and Departments

Each Dean and department head shall be responsible for holding safety meetings within their school/department and for adherence to safety requirements within their own area.