The use of any open flame/pyrotechnical device is not allowed except under the following conditions. 

This includes explosive devices of any type and any open flame device.

  1. Explosive devices can only be used as a prop in theatre productions.

  2. Open flame devices can be used in art exhibits under the following conditions: 

    1. Follow all event/performance/exhibition guidelines.
    2. Listed on event and performance checklists. 
    3. Approved by Vice President for Administration. 
    4. Must be approved by Los Angeles County Fire Department 
    5. Approved by Institute Safety Coordinator. 
    6. Safety plan filed with Los Angeles County Fire Department and Safety Coordinator.
    7. No explosive devices can be used in any exhibit unless the device has been treated in such a way as to ensure that it cannot be detonated.
  3. All explosive devices used in performances must be: 

    1. Listed on event and performance checklists.
    2. Approved by Vice President for Administration. 
    3. Must be approved by Los Angeles County Fire Department. 
    4. Under the control of a licensed pyrotechnical expert at all times. Copy of license must be on file with Institute Safety Coordinator. 
    5. Approved by Institute Safety Coordinator. 
    6. Approved by theatre production manager. 
    7. Be stored in locked cabinet when not in use.
  4. There will be no live ammunition or explosive device brought on to campus for exhibition in any art exhibit.

  5. Work order for Safety Coordinator

    1. A Work order for the Safety Coordinator is to file safety plan and plot plant for approval from the Los Angeles County Fire Department will be issued to Facilities Management from the school/department responsible for the exhibition or performance.
  6. Basic parameter for all pyrotechnical devices:

    1. Explosive devices to be handled/detonated by a licensed pyrotechnical expert. License must be on file with Safety Coordinator. 
    2. Responsible person to be present at all times that an open flame device is in use in exhibits/performances.
    3. Fire watch must be maintained at all times when an open flame device or explosive device is being used.
    4. Explosive devices can only be detonated: 
    5. While under the control of a licensed pyrotechnical expert 
      1. during rehearsals 
      2. during performances
  7. Production and stage manager will set parameters for use of all pyrotechnical devices used in theatre productions.

  8. Art School will set parameters 

    1. Art School will set parameters for use of all open flame/non-detonating devices used in art exhibits. Any other department setting up exhibits will consult with the Institute Safety Officer on use of these devices.
  9. It is mandatory for all pyrotechnical devices: 

    1. To be listed in event and performance checklist
    2. For administration to be made aware that a pyrotechnical device will be exhibited or used in a performance.
    3. Institute Coordinator must be made aware that a pyrotechnical device will be exhibited or used in a performance.
    4. All pyrotechnical devices must be approved by the Los Angeles County Fire Department.
    5. All pyrotechnical devices must be inspected and approved by the Institute Safety Coordinator. This is to ensure that all devices are of the type approved by the Los Angeles County Fire Department.
    6. Production manager will be responsible for: 
      1. Ensuring that all of the conditions are met for use in performance. 
      2. Ensuring that pyrotechnical devices are locked up at all times when device is not in use on stage.
      3. Ensuring that the pyrotechnical device to be used is the same as approved by the Los Angeles County Fire Department and the Institute Safety Coordinator.
    7. Art School and exhibitor will be responsible for:
      1. Ensuring that the pyrotechnical device to be exhibited is not capable of being detonated in any manner.
      2. Ensuring that the pyrotechnical device is secured in exhibit in such a way that it can only be removed from the exhibit by exhibitor.
      3. Ensuring that there is someone standing fire watch with a fire extinguisher at all times that any open flame device is lit while in exhibit.
  10. Failure to comply with this policy could result in injury or death to someone.

  11. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action.