The use or carrying of any type of firearm, such as pistols, rifles, carbines, shotguns and any other weapon that fires a powder cartridge, pellet, BB or any type of projectile is not allowed except under the following conditions.

  1. Firearms capable of being fired can only be used as a prop in theater productions or in film/video productions.
  2. Non-firing firearms/weapons can be used in art exhibits or as props in theater or film/video productions.
  3. All firearms and ammunition used in exhibits or performances must be:
    1. Listed on event and performance checklists. 
    2. Inspected and approved by Institute Safety Coordinator. 
    3. Approved by theater production or film/video production manager. 
    4. Be stored in locked cabinet when not in use. 
    5. Be under the control of a prop master or designated person when not in use on set. The use of a trigger lock is recommended when gun is not being fired. 
    6. Have a serial number stamped into metal of firearm.
  4. Notwithstanding any other provision or elsewhere, there will be no live ammunition brought on campus for use in any firearm that will be exhibited or used in any art exhibit, theater production or film/video production.
  5. Work Order for Safety Coordinator to inspect, approve and set basic parameter for the firing of each firearm will be submitted. The Safety Coordinator will inspect firearm and test fire it. This test will help to establish the basic parameter for the firing of the firearm. All ammunition to be used in the firearm is to be included in this inspection and approval. It is highly recommended that only color coded cartridges by used.
  6. Basic parameter for all firearms: (if not already established for a certain type of firearm) 
    1. No one to be in front of firearm in a 20 degree arc of the firing line. 
    2. Firearm to be held, when possible, at arms length. This should be with elbow slightly bent. 
    3. Firearm only to be fired: 1) during testing 2) during rehearsals 3) during performance 
    4. All safety regulations must be observed. 
    5. Propmaster and actor who is to fire weapon, are the only ones on the set authorized to handle weapon.
  7. Production and stage manager may set different parameters for the firing of the weapon as needed to suit the requirements of the script. Any changes must be approved by the Institute Safety Coordinator. There are ways to fire at someone in such a manner as to look as if they are in a direct line of fire. 8. It is mandatory for all firearms: 
    1. To be listed in event and performance checklist. 
    2. For administration to be made aware that a firearm will be exhibited or used in a performance, event, exhibit or film shoot. 
    3. Institute Performance Coordinator must be made aware that a firearm will be exhibited or used in a performance. 
    4. All firearms must be inspected and approved by Institute Safety Coordinator. A picture will be taken of all firearms and ammunition presented for approval. 
    5. Production manager will be responsible for: 1) Ensuring that all of the conditions are met for use in performance. 2) That firearm and ammunition is locked up at all times when firearm is not in use on stage or set. 3) That the ammunition to be used is the same as approved by the Institute Safety Coordinator.
    6. Art exhibitor will be responsible for: 1) Ensuring that the firearm to be exhibited is not capable of being fired. 2) Will have firearm secured in exhibit in such a way that it can only be removed from the exhibit by the exhibitor. 3) That all ammunition exhibited cannot be removed from exhibit except by exhibitor.
  8. Failure to comply with this policy could result in injury or death to someone.
  9. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action.
  10. If any of the above procedures are not followed, a Security Officer will be assigned to act as Safety Coordinator for performance, event, exhibit or film shoot. The time for this person will be charged to the department/school responsible for performance, event, exhibit or film shoot.
  11. Any and all firearms of any type, including BB guns, found unattended, will be confiscated and given to the Institute Safety Coordinator or Security Supervisor to hold. The firearm will be held until the owner or production manager has given written permission from his/her school/department, to the Safety Coordinator, to have the gun returned. If the firearm is not going to be used in any performance, event, exhibit or film shoot it must then be immediately removed from campus. If the firearm is going to be used in a performance, event, exhibit or film shoot, then it must immediately be given to the propmaster to lock up until needed.