(faculty, staff or students injured while working for CalArts on the Institute’s payroll or under work study program.)

Any employee injured while on the job is covered under the Institution’s workers compensation insurance policy. Because of this coverage all injuries must be reported promptly so that the Institute is aware of the accident and the required reports are made to the insurance company. A “Supervisor’s Report of Work Injury” must be completed by the supervisor the same working day (or in the case of a weekend or holiday, the next working day). The report form is available from the Office Manager in Facilities Management or the Office of Human Resources. In accordance with applicable law a DWC-1 form (Employee’s Claim for Workers Compensation Benefits) must be given to the employee within one working day of the injury or the day on which the Institute received notice of a potential work related injury of illness. After the employee completes the employee’s portion of this form the Institute must complete the Employer’s section and give a copy of the form to the employee. The Office Manager in Facilities Management or the Human Resources Office will assist in completing this form and will notify the insurance company. A copy of the “Supervisor’s Report” is sent to the Institute’s Safety Officer (C/O Facilities Management) and to the Vice President for Administration.

The “First Report of Injury” must be completed by the area supervisor any time there is an injury involving a person who is not covered under the Institute’s workers compensation insurance coverage. This would include students (unless working for CalArts on the Institute’s payroll or under work study program), visitors, outside contractors, etc. The original copy of the report is sent to the Institute Safety Officer (C/O Facilities Management) with a copy to the Vice President for Administration.

The Institute’s Safety Officer will review all reports of accidents and hazards. The Safety Officer will work with the supervisor responsible for the area in which the accident occurred or hazard exists, to correct any safety problem. The Institute’s Safety and Disaster Preparedness Committee will review all accident and hazard reports.