The contribution and commitment of faculty as working artists and teaching artists is the foundation of the international reputation of CalArts as unique place to study, to make art and to grow as an artist.  Just as we seek to ensure that our alumni remain part of our extended community, so also we are committed to finding ways to allow our distinguished faculty to stay connected to CalArts after retirement.  Celebrating the legacy of distinguished teachers and artists is our responsibility as stewards of our own institutional history and legacy.

Emeritus status is a special honor reserved after retirement or resignation for CalArts faculty who have provided exemplary service in teaching and mentoring, and whose creative and/or academic and professional pursuits have brought distinction to CalArts.   Emeritus status is not granted upon request but conferred by affirmation of faculty peers and academic leadership.


  • Regular or Technical Faculty member
  • Resigning or retiring after 15 years or more of service
  • Distinguished and recognized contribution to the Institute, including but not limited to excellence in teaching and mentoring, exceptional institutional service and career achievement in their field

Process for nomination and confirmation

The Faculty Emeritus appointment is an honor conferred by the President at the recommendation of the Provost by affirmation of Deans and Faculty.

Candidates for Faculty Emeritus may be self-nominated, nominated by a dean or by regular/technical faculty colleagues.  Nominations should take the form of a letter addressed to the Provost and signed by the nominator(s), accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the nominee, and submitted no later than February 1 of each academic year.  Nominations will be reviewed each year no later than April during a joint meeting of Academic and Deans Council and recommendations will be forwarded to the Provost.  Faculty Emeritus status will be conferred upon honorees by the President and Board Chair at the last CalArts’ Board of Trustee Meeting, which meets in May of each academic year.  Newly appointed Faculty Emeriti will also be recognized at Graduation each year.

  • Faculty Emeriti will continue to be acknowledged on the website, in the catalog and in collateral materials, including the graduation program, as “faculty emeritus” in the school, department or program from which they retired or resigned.
  • On the invitation of a Dean or the Provost, a Faculty Emeritus may be invited to teach a workshop, seminar or other course on a special contract basis mutually agreed upon by the Dean, Provost, and the Faculty Emeritus.
  • Faculty Emeriti will be eligible to participate in exhibitions, performances, concerts and screenings, by invitation of the curator or organizer.
  • Faculty emeriti are encouraged to use the emeritus designation and title in correspondence and professional meetings.


  • Individuals granted emeritus status will be granted access to CalArts’ resources and services as if they were regular members of the academic staff, subject to availability and at the discretion of the Provost and school Dean.
  • Purchase of tickets to CalArts events, including REDCAT and other performances, exhibitions and programs at the institutional or faculty ticket price as applicable
  • Parking privileges when visiting CalArts through a special “emeritus” parking permit
  • Business cards with emeritus designation
  • CalArts Emeritus ID card
  • Use of CalArts Library services
  • Use of CalArts email account
  • Faculty Emeriti will remain on Institute mailing lists (unless they request otherwise) and will be invited to faculty social and honorary functions.  They will be considered “ex-officio” members of Faculty Senate and so will have no voting rights or ability to stand for office.


This policy and related procedures may be subject to periodic review by the Provost Office, in consultation with Deans Council and Academic Council.

Adopted Date: Mar 2022

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