Students may appeal a metier or academic warning, probation, suspension or dismissal. To appeal, students must submit a petition stating the grounds for appeal. The appeal must be received by the Registrar within 15 working days after the date of the notice of warning, probation, suspension or dismissal. If readmitted, students may be placed on probation with special requirements for one semester. If at the end of the semester, students have not met all the requirements of continued enrollment, they will be dismissed from the Institute. 

Upon receipt of a notice of appeal, the Registrar will convene the Academic Appeals Committee* to review the appeal. The committee’s decision should be made by the 15th working day after the date of the emailed petition or as soon thereafter as practical given the circumstances. Students may contact the Student Advocate in the Office of Student Experience for information and support during the appeal process. The decision of the Academic Appeals Committee* is final. If the Academic Appeals Committee* does not make a decision by its deadline, then the Provost (or designee) will make the final decision.  

The Academic Appeals Committee’s* decision will be sent by email and U.S. first class mail to students within 5 working days or as soon thereafter as practical given the circumstances after the decision. Copies of the decision are sent to the students’ mentor, program director, dean, Dean of Critical Studies (if academic standing appeal), Registrar, Director of Financial Aid, Vice President of Student Experience, Office of the Provost, and members of the review committee.  

Student Records

The internal student records of the Institute will contain all notices of action taken in accordance with the policy on Metier and Academic Standing. However, students’ official transcripts will not reflect an academic warning/probation/suspension history if all requirements are fulfilled and the academic warning/probation/suspension is removed. The internal permanent record will reflect the following actions: warning, probation, suspension, dismissal and reinstatement.

Complaint Procedure

An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at 1747 N. Market Street, Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834,, Tel: (916) 574-8900, Fax: (916) 263-1897.

* Academic Appeals Committee - Academic Council Chair (or designee), one Academic Council Representative (or designee), Provost Office representative, Registrar Office representative. 

Revised Date: May 2016

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