Accelerated graduation is an honor conferred, on rare occasions, when a student has demonstrated extraordinary artistic development and achievement. It is an honor conferred by the faculty and dean of a school; it is not an option for which a student may apply. Not more than one year’s advancement may be granted for an accelerated graduation. MA in Aesthetics and Politics and DMA students are not eligible for accelerated graduation.

  1. Required Conditions 
    1. Demonstration by the student of excellence and achievement far beyond that which is required for graduation. 
    2. Completion by the student of all school requirements and Critical Studies requirements (BFA and Critical Studies programs only).
  2. The Process: 
    1. The nomination for accelerated graduation must be supported, in writing, by the program head, the dean of the school and at least two faculty members. 
    2. The recommendation for accelerated graduation must be submitted to the Registrar no later than the last class day of the 3rd week of classes of the semester of anticipated graduation. The recommendation delineates the reasons for an accelerated graduation and describes the student’s outstanding accomplishments. 
    3. The Registrar will forward the recommendation to the Provost or his/her designee who will schedule presentation of the recommendation to the Deans Council. 
    4. At the time of the presentation to the Deans Council, the Dean of the school will provide the letters of support from the school, as well as evidence of the student’s excellence and achievement, such as a resume and/or portfolio. 
    5. Upon approval of these terms, the student’s school will schedule an official graduation review. 
    6. Final approval for graduation rests with the school.

Revised Date: Nov 2017


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