Discipline may be imposed for all forms of academic misconduct (including but not limited to, cheating, fabrication and plagiarism) and facilitating such misconduct. Forgery, authorized alteration or unauthorized use of any official CalArts document, record or instrument of identification.

Procedures for Handling Misconduct Cases

All cases of academic misconduct shall be referred to the Associate Provost or designee, who in consultation with the appropriate School Dean, shall determine which disciplinary sanctions, if any shall be imposed. The sanctions of suspension or dismissal shall not be imposed unless the Provost concurs.


When a student is found to have engaged in academic misconduct, any of the following types of actions may be imposed. Any action imposed should be appropriate to the violation, taking into consideration the context and seriousness of the violation and the past record of the student.


Written notice to the student that a violation of academic conduct has occurred and that continued or repeated violations may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of disciplinary probation, loss of privileges, and exclusion from activities, suspension, or dismissal.


A status imposed for a specific period of time in which a student must demonstrate conduct that conforms to CalArts academic standards. Conditions restricting the student’s privileges or eligibly for activities may be imposed. Misconduct during the probationary period or violation of any conditions of the probation may result in further disciplinary action, normally in the form of suspension or dismissal.

Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities

Exclusion from participation in designated privileges and/or activities for a specified period of time. Failure to adhere to the limitations imposed n privileges in activities or violation of academic conduct during the period of the sanction may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of suspension or dismissal.


Termination of student status at CalArts for a specified academic term or terms with reinstatement thereafter certain, provided that the student has complied with any conditions imposed as part of the suspension. Violation of the conditions of suspension may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of dismissal.


Termination of student status for an indefinite period. Readmission to CalArts shall require the specific approval of the student’s School Dean and the Provost. Readmission after dismissal may be granted only under exceptional circumstances.

Appeal Process for Academic Misconduct Sanctions

The student may appeal an academic misconduct sanction. To do so, the student must submit, in writing, a notice of appeal to the Provost. The notice of appeal should provide a brief statement of the basis for the appeal and must be submitted within ten calendar days of the date on which the sanction is imposed.

Upon receipt of a notice of appeal, an Appeals Committee shall be formed as soon as is practical. Persons eligible to serve on the Appeals Committee shall be current members of the faculty, staff and student body. One member of the Appeals Committee shall be appointed by the Associate Provost or designee, one by the VP for Student Experience, and one member by the student. Together, these members of the Appeals Committee shall decide who from among them shall serve as chairperson. No person shall participate as a member of the Appeals Committee who has been involved in the events upon which the sanction has been imposed or who is biased.

Within ten calendar days of the date of Appeals Committee is formed, or as soon thereafter as practical, the Appeals Committee shall meet in closed session to consider the appeal. The members of the Appeals Committee shall respect the confidentiality of the proceedings. The student and the CalArts official(s) who imposed/recommended the disciplinary sanctions shall be provided with an opportunity to meet with the Appeals Committee, but shall otherwise be present at a meeting of the Appeals Committee only at the request or with the permission of the Appeals Committee. As it deems appropriate, the Appeals Committee shall interview other persons and shall consider written materials and other items pertinent to the appeal. When the student appears before the Appeals Committee, they may be accompanied and advised by any current member of the CalArts community, (i.e. student, staff member, or faculty member) who is not an attorney, but such person may not address the Appeals Committee unless requested by it to do so.

At the completion of its review, the Appeals Committee shall prepare a written advisory report consisting of the findings, conclusions and recommendations, and shall submit it to the Provost. A determination by the Appeals Committee that a student has engaged in academic misconduct shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the student engaged in such conduct. Copies of the report should also be furnished to the student and the CalArts official(s) who imposed/recommended the sanctions. Under separate cover, the Appeals Committee shall also forward to the Provost copies of any written material or items that it considered in connection with the appeal process.

The Provost or designee shall consider the report and at their discretion take whatever action they deem appropriate. Prior to taking such action, the Provost or designee may discuss the report with members of the Appeals Committee, the student or any other person. The Provost or designee shall transmit their decision in writing to the student, the CalArts official(s) who imposed/recommended the disciplinary sanctions, and the members of the Appeals Committee. The decision of the Provost shall be final.

Revised Date: Sept. 2021

Responsible Office: Provost Office

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