Transfer Agreements Between CalArts and Rio Hondo College

In order to facilitate transfer of qualified art and photography students from Rio Hondo College into School of Art Program in Art and Program in Photography & Media Program at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), Rio Hondo College and CalArts agree to enter into the following transfer agreement. Under the terms of this agreement, CalArts will give priority consideration to applicants who have successfully completed the General Education/Critical Studies requirements and the equivalent admissible portfolio.  CalArts will waive the application fee for Rio Hondo College students wishing to transfer to CalArts.

This agreement does not guarantee admission to CalArts.  However, faculty from Rio Hondo College and CalArts will review the portfolios of students pursuing the AA or ADT in Art or Photography and arrange campus visits and information sessions in order to guide those students to successfully transfer into CalArts. There will be ongoing cooperation between the CalArts and Rio Hondo College faculty to ensure students are on track to transfer to CalArts. The goal is to prepare students to transfer at the BFA3 (junior standing) level. Year level placement is at the discretion of the CalArts faculty upon admission.

Applicants from Rio Hondo College will need 60 units of baccalaureate level work to transfer into CalArts as a BFA3-1 student (aka: junior standing), including 22 units of Critical Studies (aka: general education) units. Rio Hondo College students are advised to consult the following general education transfer map to determine how specific general education courses may apply to the CalArts Critical Studies requirements. Also included is a métier (aka: major) course transfer map which students may refer to for information regarding courses in art and photography. The courses listed in that guide are recommended but not required for Rio Hondo students preparing to transfer to CalArts.

These transfer guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of CalArts. CalArts reserves the right to make changes or updates to this agreement at any time. Degree requirements will be determined by the catalog requirements in place at the time students are admitted to and matriculated into CalArts.  

Program In Art (School Of Art) Transfer Map

Program In Photography & Media (School Of Art) Transfer Map

Rio Hondo College Transfer Map

Applicants from Rio Hondo College need 60 units of undergraduate level work to transfer into CalArts at a BFA3-1 (i.e., junior year) level, including 22 units of General Education /Critical Studies courses.

CRITICAL STUDIES REQUIREMENTS AT CALARTS: A total of 46 Critical Studies units are required for a BFA from CalArts. Students must complete a minimum of 8 units in residence at CalArts from among the following CalArts categories: COM, CRW, CST, HMN, SCM or SOC.

Critical Studies Recommended Courses

Students from Rio Hondo College will need the equivalent of 22 General Education/Critical Studies units –including one course from each Breadth Requirement Area *** plus Optional Breadth Courses**, and electives *

CalArts Critical Studies Category


Suggested Rio Hondo Course courses

Cultural Studies ***


3 Units

Cultural Anthropology-ANTH 102/102H, 104, 125

Gender Studies HIST 159/159H, 170, LIT 149

Intercultural Communications­- SPCH 150

Ethnic Studies-HIST 131, 156,157,158, 159/159H, CHST 101, 146, 148, 150, POLS 150

HUM 125/125H,130

Humanities ***


3 Units

English Literature- LIT 102/102H, 112A/112AH, 112B/112BH, 114/114H, 117/117H, 130/130H, 140/140H, 141, 142/142H, 144A/144B, 145/145H, 146/146H, 146B/146BH, 147/147H, 148, 149

English Critical Thinking- ENGL 101, 201/201H,

PHIL 120 (Introduction to Ethics)

Humanities (intro, humanities through the arts) – HUM 110, 111, 125/125H, 130, 140

PHIL 101/101H, 110,/110H, 112/112H, 115, 120, 124, 126, 128/128H, 135, 145

LIT 141

Science and Math ***


3 Units

Analytic Geometry and Calculus MATH 170, 180, 190/190H, 191, 250

Algebra MATH, 160, 260

Statistics MATH 130/130H, PSY 190

FIN 101

Environmental & Physical Science-

ASTR 110/110H, 112

BIOL 101, 105/105L, 111/11L, 112, 120/12L, 200, 201, 206, 222, 226

CHEM110, 120, 130, 140, 230, 231

GEOG 150, 151

PHY 120, 150, 160, 211, 212, 213

Social Science ***


3 Units

Any course from the following subjects, not used in another area:

ANTH 101/101H, 101L, 125,


GEOG 101/101L, 102, 103

U.S. HISTORY, HIST 131, 143/143H, 144/144H, 156, 157,158, 159/159H, 167, 170,


WORLD HISTORY, HIST 101, 102, 122

POLS 110/110H, 125, 128/128H, 130, 135, 140

PSY 101/101H, 190,112, 114, 170, 180, 200 210/210H

SOC 101/101H, 114, 116, 120, 127, 130, 148

Arts in Context**


3 Units

ART 104 (Art of the Ancient Americas), ART 105/105H, 106/106H, 107 (Art of Asia), 108 (Art of Mx), Art 109 (History of American Art)

ART 110 (Understanding Visual Art)

ART 112 (Visual Art in the Modern Era)

ART 113 (History of Photography)

ART 115 (The Art of Film),

MSCM 128 (Mass Media in Modern Society)

GDSN 110 (History of Graphic Design)

Creative Writing **


3 Units

ENGL 101, 201/201H, 131, 231, LIT 141

Computing and Research **


3 Units

** Optional Critical Studies Breadth courses

CS Elective *

3 Units

Speech & Communications – SPCH 100,101/101H, 130, 140, 150

Economics ECON 101/101H, 102/102H, 106, 135

ASL 101, 124, 201, 202

Any Foreign Language courses:

CHIN 101,102, FR 101, 102, 201, 202, JAPN 101, 102, LATN 101, 102, SPAN 101/101S, 102/102S, 201/201H, 202

and any Breadth***/Optional Breadth** courses not already used to complete Breadth requirement can also be applied

***Breadth requirement: one course from each area

** Optional Critical Studies Breadth courses

· Critical Studies Electives

*** Breadth - Courses from any of the Breadth areas can also be applied to the elective area.

*CalArts delivers a two semester Level-100 sequence that serves as our “College Writing” requirement. Transfer students with 15 Critical Studies approved transfer units are exempt from this requirement. English 101 or its equivalent will likely be a prerequisite for most Rio Hondo courses that receive Critical Studies credit.

CSU and/or UC Transferable courses from a California Community College are eligible for transfer upon review by the Office of the Registrar.


The following matrix indicates equivalencies for School of Art Program in Art requirements only. Transfer credit against School of Art program requirements must be assessed separately by transcript review at matriculation.


CalArts Program in Art


Recommended Rio Hondo Art Courses to Transfer

Courses below can count towards the 8 units studio series requirement


One class each semester from the Studio Series (below) toward the required 8 units of studio courses:

AART 211 Drawing

AART 212 Painting

AART 213 Sculpture

AART 214 Print & Digital Media

AART 215 Video

AART 216 Social Practice

AART 217 Ceramics

AART 218 Open Studio

AART 219 Performance

AART220 Writing

AART 222 Sound in Art

ACOM 218 Digital Skills for Artists





ART 120 (2-D Design)

ART 121 (3-D Design)

ART 124 (Color Theory)

ART 130 (Freehand Drawing I)

ART 131 (Freehand Drawing II)

ART 135 (Beginning Painting)

ART 136 (Intermediate Drawing)

ART 140 (Ceramics I)

Art 142 (Intro to Ceramics Handbuilding)

ART 143 (Ceramics Handbuilding II)

ART 144 (Handbuilding III)

ART 146 (Intro to Sculpture)

ART 150 (Beginning Printmaking)

ART 151 (Intermediate Printmaking)

ART 170 (Intro to Digital Painting)

ART 190 (Gallery and Exhibition Design)

ART 230 (Beginning Life Drawing)

ART 231 (Intermediate Life Drawing)

ART 232 (Advanced Life Drawing)

ART 233 (Freehand Drawing III)

ART 234 (Watercolor Painting)

ART 235 (Advanced Painting I)

ART 236 (Advanced Painting II)

ART 242 (Advanced Ceramics)

ART 252 (Advanced Printmaking

ART 260 (Figure Drawing for Animators)

GDSN 178 (Digital Imaging Design)

PHTO 130 (Beginning Photography)


We also expect students to look beyond their chosen art discipline. All students must take at least two units outside of the School of Art.


Two courses in another art form



CalArts Program in Photography & Media


Recommended Rio Hondo Art/Photography Courses to Transfer



ART 120 (2D Design)

ART 121 (3D Design)

ART 130 (Freehand Drawing I)

ART 101 (Introduction to Studio Art)

New Lab (2)


PHTO 130 (Beginning Photography)

Introduction to Analog (2)


PHTO 131 (Intermediate Photography)

Technical Workshops (Studio)


PHTO 140- Introduction to Lighting (in approval process at RH)

Technical Workshops (Digital Imaging)


GDSN 178 (Digital Imaging Design)

PHTO 110 (Intro to Digital Photography)

PHTO 111 (Intermediate Digital Photography)

ART 170 (Introduction to Digital Painting) ?

Topics in Photographic History


See arts in context recommended courses above in general education/critical studies transfer map

Elective (Highly recommended)


ART 190 (Gallery and Exhibition Design)

2 classes in another artistic discipline (music, dance, film/video, theater, creative writing)


Two classes in any other art form


CSU and/or UC Transferable courses from a California Community College are eligible for transfer upon review by the Office of the Registrar.  Some other liberal arts courses may also transfer to CalArts as Critical Studies. Please see the general transfer credit guide on the website here: