'Canto de Todes' - Dorian Wood

'Canto de Todes' - Dorian Wood

Photo by Laura Pardo

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Approx. 12 hours, continuous

Dorian Wood’s Canto de Todes (Song of Everyone) is a 12-hour composition and installation, making its worldwide debut at REDCAT. Inspired by a lyric of the late Chilean singer and songwriter Violeta Parra, the Creative Capital-awarded project emphasizes the urgency of folk music as a vessel for social change. A genre-defying canon of songs arriving as a long-durational spatial experience, the work is divided into three movements. The first and third movements are hourlong chamber pieces influenced by folk, popular, and experimental music. The second movement is a 10-hour prerecorded piece unfolding throughout multiple spaces within REDCAT. Canto de Todes upends the expectation of the rigidness often associated with witnessing chamber music performances by offering a welcoming space that allows for individuals to project their personal, communal joys, and traumas. It is a collaborative work with local artists who have historically been marginalized due to their nationality, race, or othered identity.

Please note: Canto de Todes contains nudity and loud sounds.

Presented in English and Spanish without subtitles.

The interactive performance starts at 8:30 PM and concludes twelve hours later. Entry and exit is allowed throughout the duration of the event.

"The performer, who bends genres as much as [they] bend gender, in performances that are a little bit torch song and a lot avant-garde, delivers vocals that offer sublime beauty and pain." Carolina A. Miranda, Los Angeles Times

Canto de Todes is a world premiere production.

Dorian Wood is a recipient of the 2020 Creative Capital Award.